Support & Guidance for
Jewish Interfaith Relationships

For the past 24 years, I have worked with over 600 Jewish interfaith couples to facilitate important conversations about Jewish identity and relationships. Using my workshop model "Love and Religion: An Interfaith Workshop for Jews and their Partners" I have helped couples across the United States.

Interfaith Weddings

My work has enabled me to develop an innovative interfaith wedding ceremony where couples and their families feel included and respected. I can perform weddings and offer couples three premarital sessions part of the process. 

Couples Consultation

I work with couples where one partner is Jewish and the other is not. I can help you work out your relationship, negotiate your religious concerns and I am available via Face Time. There is an hourly fee to be paid at service.

Visit the Consultations page to learn more about scheduling a private consultation.

A Joyous, Lasting Interfaith Marriage

Dear Marion,

It’s hard to believe, but our 20th anniversary was a few weeks ago on April 17, 2024.  It has been over 20 years since we worked with you, and we are so thankful that we did. We have had a wonderful marriage full of love, commitment and fun.  You helped make all this possible.

With affection,

Marian and Mark

A four part video series in partnership with the Jewish History Museum & Holocaust History Center featuring conversations probing the challenges and assumptions that lie behind Jewish identity.

Watch Now

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More than 700 interfaith couples have addressed their struggles and have been empowered to create a respectful, meaningful relationship in my workshop, “Love and Religion: A Workshop for Jews and Their Partners.” Couples in the greater Washington DC area can attend my workshop at the Edlavitch DCJCC, which is run 3 times a year. I can also help you find a workshop to attend wherever you live.

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“My husband and I participated in Dr. Usher’s interfaith families workshop over a decade ago.  We still remember the experience fondly.”
— Maria Lasa-Sloan, Workshop Attendee


One Couple, Two Faiths:
Stories of Love and Religion

Find guidance and support through the complexities of an interfaith relationship.

Learn through the stories of couples who have confronted similar struggles how to:

  • Build a nurturing relationship

  • Celebrate the holidays

  • Recognize the importance of religious identity

Upcoming Events

Stay Tuned for upcoming events…

Feedback from Recent events:
Marion’s expertise working with multi-generational interfaith families made for a most useful and informative program and above all, positive. You elicited great examples from participants on different ways to connect with interfaith grandchildren.

-Harriet Fredman, B'nai Israel Congregation - Hazak Program


Institutional Consulting

Synagogues and JCC’s are invited to reach out to explore the variety of interfaith workshops and staff training sessions I can develop for your institution. Contact me at or 202-236-9495 for more information.